Call Me First, Not the Police Back

May 20, 2020

Throughout the years, there have been two types of calls I have received once a potential defendant has been contacted by a police officer or believe that charges are coming. The first conversation (which,unfortunately, is the much more common) goes something like this: “the police left a card on my door so I called them back.” Or, “Mygirlfriend, mother, friend,and/or brother saw my picture on PennLive so I called the police to figure this out.” DO NOT CALL THE POLICE BEFORE YOU CONSULT AN ATTORNEY. I have literally seen people call the police on themselves.


What is PWI in PA and why am I being charged with it?

October 4, 2019
If you are arrested and charged with Possession with the Intent to Deliver (PWI), it means the amount of narcotics you are being charged with is enough for the government to assume that you delivering or distributing the product. By virtue of that, they charge you with a higher grade which has very serious penalties and consequences.

It wasn’t an Assault! It Was Self Defense!

July 15, 2019
This happens all too often. The police charge the wrong person with assault. Just because you are bigger or you are a man or because you weren’t injured, they assume you were at fault. No matter how much you try to tell them that you didn’t start the incident, they do what they want to do.

Getting a Job with a Violent Crime Conviction

July 8, 2019
Many people make the mistake of taking an assault charge lightly. Especially for simple assault charges, people believe they will walk away with a slap on the wrist. However, one thing many people do not consider is the impact a violent crime can have on your career and future.

Traveling with a Violent Crime Conviction

July 1, 2019
A violent crime conviction can affect your life in so many ways. One way that people often do not think about is travel. Many countries ask extensive questions about your criminal history and may deny a VISA to you if you have a criminal record.

How an Assault Charge can Ruin your Life

June 24, 2019
Assault charges are serious not only because of the penalties they carry but because of the consequences from the social stigma that are attached to violent criminals. Make no mistake about it, even a simple assault conviction will be grounds for many people to judge and label you as violent.