Facing Third DUI Charges in Cumberland County? We’re Here to Help

A third DUI charge in Cumberland County can have severe and lasting impacts on your life. The penalties increase significantly with each offense, making it crucial to understand what you’re up against.

Penalties for a Third DUI in Cumberland County

In Pennsylvania, a third DUI conviction comes with severe penalties, and Cumberland County is no exception. The exact penalties you face depend on factors such as your blood alcohol concentration (BAC) at the time of the offense and whether there were any aggravating factors like minors in the vehicle or injuries caused. Here’s a breakdown based on BAC levels:

  • General Impairment: BAC between .08% and .099%
    • Misdemeanor of the Second Degree
    • 10 days to 2 years in prison
    • Fines between $500 and $5,000
    • 12-month license suspension
  • High Impairment: BAC between .10% and .159%
    • Misdemeanor of the First Degree
    • 90 days to 5 years in prison
    • Fines between $1,500 and $10,000
    • 18-month license suspension
  • Highest Impairment: BAC of .16% or higher
    • Felony of the Third Degree
    • 1 year to 7 years in prison
    • Fines up to $15,000
    • 18-month license suspension

Repeat offenders may also be required to install an ignition interlock device for at least one year after their driver’s license is reinstated.

Collateral Consequences of a Third DUI Conviction

A third DUI conviction in Cumberland County can have life-altering collateral consequences. These consequences often extend beyond legal penalties and may include:

  • Loss of employment or challenges finding new job opportunities due to your criminal record.
  • Increased auto insurance rates or the cancellation of your insurance policy.
  • Damage to personal relationships and your reputation within the community.
  • Difficulty renewing or obtaining professional licenses in your field of work.

The impact of a third DUI conviction is profound, making it essential to seek qualified legal representation as soon as possible.

Why You Need an Experienced DUI Attorney

The complexity and seriousness of a third DUI charge require the expertise of an experienced attorney. At The McShane Firm, our seasoned DUI attorneys can help by:

  • Investigating the details of your arrest for any violations of your rights or procedural errors.
  • Challenging the results of field sobriety, breath, or blood tests.
  • Examining whether law enforcement handled evidence and testing equipment properly.
  • Negotiating with prosecutors to seek a reduction in charges or penalties.
  • Defending you in court and fighting for the best possible outcome in your case.

A skilled DUI defense attorney can make a significant difference in your case, potentially reducing penalties or even achieving a case dismissal in certain situations.

Contact The McShane Firm for a Free Consultation

If you are facing a third DUI charge in Cumberland County, don’t wait to secure legal representation. At The McShane Firm, we are committed to providing you with aggressive, knowledgeable defense. Contact us today for a free, confidential consultation at (717) 657-3900 to discuss your case and explore your legal options.

Our Clients are entitled to a Bill of Rights which states:

  • Our clients have the right to expect, we will be proactive in communication. You will hear it from us first. We will return all phone calls, texts and emails promptly.
  • Our clients have the right to expect plain speaking, straight shooting. No B. S.
  • Our clients have the right to expect us to do it right the first time, every time.
  • Our clients have the right to expect us to be on time and professionally prepared for all court appearances, and all meetings.
  • Our clients have the right to expect that they will be fully informed at all times.

This is our promise to you. Call today to get us on your side: (717) 657-3900.

PA DUI attorney Justin J. McShane is the President/CEO of The McShane Firm, LLC - Pennsylvania's top criminal law and DUI law firm. He is the highest rated DUI attorney in PA as rated by Avvo.com. Justin McShane is a double Board certified attorney. He is the first and so far the only Pennsylvania attorney to achieve American Bar Association recognized board certification in DUI defense from the National College for DUI Defense, Inc. He is also a Board Certified Criminal Trial Advocate by the National Board of Trial Advocacy, a Pennsylvania Supreme Court Approved Agency.